Sunday, April 6, 2008


You were getting excited about me telling you one of my deepest, darkest, secrets...weren't you?
Well sorry. Besides, if you know me at all, I'll probably tell you something about my life you weren't expecting. In the words of someone I know, "You're a sharer, aren't you?" Why yes, yes I am.
Regardless, listening to Pandora (the sweet internet radio), Dashboard Confessional comes on because I guess they're in the same genre-ish as this artist Matt Nathanson, who I rather enjoy. Dashboard Confessional, though, I tend not to enjoy overall. The man is whiny, and their popularity peaked in my sophomore year of high school (not a good one, as my boyfriend was a jerk), precisely during the semester that I took Photography. Someone in the Independent Study class would invariably put it on, as it must have chronicled their romance (and fallout thereafter), as all CDs played on heavy rotation signify. There is always a soundtrack to a relationship and then to the disaster that is its end.
The angst-ridden band Dashboard Confessional, though, is not my soundtrack. Instead, they remind me of flooding the Photography washroom. And getting away with it.
I had just finished stealing and eating a terrible breakfast Hot Pocket from the gargantuan Photography teacher's stash and was still waiting around for my print to wash. If for some reason it was underdeveloped, or I had not gotten the darkroom process correct, I would have to spend even more of my after school time alone in the classroom, sve the Independent Study girl who loved Dashboard. I'm not sure how I fenagled my way into that particular unsupervised situation, but I did. And it was glorious. So, I hung out in the darkroom in the overstuffed recliner and realized, OH SHIT.
Walked into the washroom, water everywhere. Feet soaked in water as I scramble to find some semblance of a towel, of course forgetting to first turn off the faucet so that the water is no longer going through the hose pointing out of the washtub and onto the floor. Why would I do the logical thing first? This is why I am not an EMT, I've decided.
So, my print turned out badass and I ended up ruining some other kids print that were just laying on the counter. They sucked anyhow, I did them a favor.
That is why when a Dashboard Confessional song comes on for some reason I can't turn it off. I will mercilessly make fun of it, oh yes, but I will not change it. The flood must be remembered, and I'll listen to three and a half minutes of whining for that memory. I think it's worth it. Now stealing that gnarly Hot Pocket, so not worth it.

1 comment:

molls said...

I really like the image of you running through the dark room and forgetting to shut off the faucet. you amuse me :D

this is really random - me reading your blog. but I enjoy it.

--molly r