Saturday, May 30, 2009


well kids, i'm staying her through the end of the year. that means if you have any funds, you should come visit. the fall will be really pretty.

yesterday my lunch consisted of BBQ pork sandwich with hot sauce, macaroni and cheese, fried okra (my first time, not too bad), a couple hush puppies (also delicious), and UNsweet tea. in greer, SC. don't look it up, it's not a destination.

i went to a BBQ on memorial day and saw my first whole pig being roasted in a cinder-block contraption. yep, the whole pig. teeth bared, eyes still there. the middle cut open ad splayed out. it was only a 55-pounder. apparently they usually do the 100-pounder. as a southern-BBQ virgin, my friend griffin gave me the first piece cut right from wilbur.

my word it was delicious. the flavoring was n.carolina style BBQ, with simply vinegar, cider, and red pepper flakes. best meat i have ever eaten. i cannot be a vegetarian here. it's that simple.

and yes, i'm starting to like it here. (the BBQ helps).

Monday, May 25, 2009


well folks, it's not even officially summer weather here in SC, but i'm already feeling impending hair-doom. right now it's 80 degrees and overcast, which means all the humidity in the air just hangs out and destroys your coiff. while never being a huge fan of hair products in general, i have now become a convert. max hold hairspray seems to be one of the only ways to control the half straight-half frizz hair that i have from complete frizz out.

my biggest fear in this situation: looking like tootie from the facts of life to refresh your memory: my word. at least i don't have the headgear.

Friday, May 22, 2009

green Necco wafers taste like Pine-Sol smells

the next time i visit home, i will try not to hit 4 cities that are at least 2 hour drives from one another. i was so freakin exhausted when i got back to my apartment, i just checked my mail yesterday. that is pathetic.

but while i was home i remembered just how great everyone was: when you're away from those people that know you best for long periods of time and you're surrounded by people that still inhabit the, "if i say this, will this person think I'm _________?" zone of friendship, it gets tiring. it was great to remember that there are some people around that will always get it. they will always think you're funny, they won't make you feel self-conscious or a terrible person for being a DEMOCRAT, and they will love you in the silences.

one person i didn't see enough of was my dad, good ole steve-o. because he was shuttling between new orleans and d.c., all i saw him was for andy's commencement in idaho (what a terribly boring and painful situation) and it was then that i remembered just how goofy (read: awesome) he is.

number 1: he dozed off at least 7 times during graduation with the same look he has when the sermon has gone on for 20 minutes too long. he folds his hands in his lap as his body language says he's listening...but the eyes are closed. like i said to him, "another graduation, another nap."

number 2: he and i both hate the same public speakers. the commencement speaker, representative walt minnick, started off talking about the state of idaho and veered quickly onto nuclear weapons (both iran and n.korea were name-dropped) and then continued to randomly add famous people into the speech, as if that was going to make it any less painful. every time another random person was mentioned (ex: Jonas Salk) dad would quip, "ah-- another idahoan." classic steve-o. pop also mentioned that although nuclear weapons were mentioned, the Boogeyman that naturally follows the nuclear arms talk was merely implied.

(note-- as the whole family is aware, i, along with all friends, was very hungover at the ceremony. when i get hungover i laugh at the drop of a hat and am not able to control the tears of laughter that come streaming down my face. just seeing my dad in all his ridiculous glory made me convulse and smear my makeup).

but i digress. number 3: my dad busted out a roll of Necco wafers he bought in Dusty specifically for this event. i am pretty positive he is still the only person who eats this particular candy, and he FREAKIN LOVES THEM. i was telling my uncle greg about this, and he had no idea what they were. point proven.

number 3a: while eating the Necco wafers, he offered some to both myself and alyssa, and did the typical hand the pack/quickly draw it back move common with grandpas. although he is not yet a grandpa, the sheer fact he does this AND eats Necco wafers is proof that he will be an awesome one. thus began my makeup smearing. i also predict that he will be the old guy at church that goes up to little kids and says, "i got your nose." it's only a matter of time-- and i am waiting with bated breath for it.

Monday, May 11, 2009


i'm heading back to washington for a week in less than twelve hours.
i have never been so excited to be cold and possibly rainy.
people there just get it.

Monday, May 4, 2009


after 4 days of the modem/installation CD in a box, 1 day of installation CD in computer, and 1 hour on the phone after 12 hours of work today, i finally have internet at my house. this not only affirms the fact that i will never be able to set up electronic equipment without the aid of a qualified individual (although the directions are meant for 12 year olds), but now also instills the fear of unplugging my computer. i want to get a wireless router so i can move my computer from the dining room table (which i was able to put together, hooray me!), but i honestly don't think my heart can handle another week of this crap. i also am afraid of taking my computer to another location. very afraid.
what is also disheartening is that i now have no real need to go to the coffee shop downtown, which means i am not forced to stare longlingly at the hot barista(s). there's a part of me that will miss that.