Saturday, September 26, 2009


i feel like not long ago i told a short tale about struggling to put my ikea furniture together. well folks, here it is in reverse: now i'm struggling taking apart my ikea furniture and then figuring out how the hell to get it in storage in one piece for at least a few months. i had to get tarps for everything from the u-haul place (thanks, aunt danielle), and in typical sarah weakley fashion i failed miserably at purchasing the right size/amount of tarps and covers for my furniture. so...i have to go back to the store tomorrow (hopefully not to be greeted by the u-haul guy who asked for my phone number while getting rung up...that would be awkward, to say the least), and get just the straight up roll of plastic wrap and do a little wrapping of furniture and cushions ala christmas. thankfully, i am relatively competent in my skills in that arena, as i have wrapped the majority of the presents for both my father and brother since at least 1997 (when i took that role over from brelin).
getting a storage unit of my own today made me feel very adulty. i think this is proof of society making us believe we're more of adults the more shit we've aquired. frankly, i could chuck it all and be fine with it, save the bed. (yes folks, a pillow top matters) other than that, i bought cheap furniture because i'm cheap and i don't particularly care. i still regret the damn dining room table i never sat on -- there's really no point in me having a dining room table, as i don't cook and my dinners consist of cereal or a bagel. repasts nowhere near worthy of a table and four chairs (one of which ended up being drafted as my side table in my bedroom). but i digress.
mostly, though, all of this is a pain in the neck but this is yet another one of those adventures i've had that makes me feel like more of the person i'm going to be for a good long while. yes, i will be the person who sometimes takes "the path of least resistance" in the words of my mother, i will probably end up being a single person who doesn't see much use for a dining table or television, and i am a person who would rather do it herself. these traits can be good and bad, of course. but at least i'm starting to figure out a little bit of who i am. even if it just has to do with assembling and reassembling ikea furniture.

notes for the team:
- took the gre's today and ended up squarely in the middle. i'm most likely taking them again in october when i have more than four hours to study for them.
- offically leaving this state in 6 days. hallelujah.
- i have two interviews with non-profits when i get into town! one on monday the 5th and one on tuesday the 6th. hopefully one of them likes me.
- no more work in that cube. ever. (but, they have no replacement for me so i'm working remotely for a bit. free laptop, holla. which is good, considering my personal one is busted and the system recovery disk hasn't come yet...awesome.)
- shed a tiny tear when i said goodbye to my boss fran. he's my surrogate preppy dad at oconee.

Monday, September 14, 2009

press release

if i blogged every time there was a new development with the baltimore situation, i would have to start tweeting (and I will never tweet voluntarily. if i am paid to tweet, that's another story). i would also never leave the computer or get anything logistically done in a day regarding my move.
the bullets:
- waiting to hear back on an application and deposit i put down on a studio apartment in Charles Village right by Johns Hopkins. they'll get back to me tomorrow, i imagine. they want my money.
- after a slight snafu, i have to now transfer my Bank of America money from WA to a SC account. unfortunately, the WA, ID, and CA systems of BoA aren't aligned. this equals hours on the phone with customer services reps who keep repeating, "well, we can't see your washington information." I KNOW, THAT'S WHY I CALLED YOU, i want to say. use my life as a warning for your own.
- going to court friday about a really stupid expensive ticket for nudging a car. that guy was so lame.
- applying for jobs in Baltimore/D.C. like mad.
- as of now, i have 76 hours left at my job. it's getting to the point of counting down hours, after yet another snarky comment about liberals from a co-worker. the Obama shirt on the last day will be well, well worth it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

onward and upward

well folks, the AmeriCorps jobs didn't work out. that's just the way it goes sometimes. i guess i was too late signing up and all that stuff. the upside of all of this is that it finally kicked my ass into gear to do something about my life.
so i'm moving. yep, moving.
my lease is up on october 10, so i'm just gonna go to baltimore and live there until grad school. find a job, maybe take online courses (maybe not) and be happy. i'm only 22 once. yes, it will be hard, and yes, it might suck for a little while. but i'm going. i'm doing. i cannot afford to be unhappy in this place any longer. and hopefully i'll get to see joy once a week (at least on sundays).
so yep, now's the part where i plan it all out. i'm madly applying for any job in the area and hopefully will get one before i leave. if not, i'll find one.
taking the GREs here in greenville on the 26th of september, too. wish me luck. i'll be doing too many math practice problems to worry about much.
i'm excited/nervous/thrilled about my plan.