Friday, March 28, 2008

Back in the game: a bit apprehensive, but getting over it.

Hello all, I seem to be back in action. Mostly due to the fact that I remembered how much I enjoy writing even if no one reads any of it. While not the best writer in the world (like most of my other friends in the blogging-world), I do believe that I might be interesting to some people. And, if you don't see me on a regular basis for some reason or another, here I am. I'm waiting to hear from you. Also, maybe if you come visit me I'll buy you lunch. Either way, on with the musing of the day:

Brelin recently invited me to go to a concert with her in Portland. I was surprised for a moment when she failed to mention to me what band it was. Oh yes, friends, she wanted me to go to a RASCAL FLATTS concert. I puked in my mouth. I recoiled from my gut reaction and weighed my options: I would get to see Brelin, who I see maybe three times a year, BUT (and this is a big BUT) I would have to listen to a slightly overweight man sweaking out like Windex on a whorehouse window some supposedly uplifting song about his mother. Options weighed: not a chance in hell.

That, and the fact that there is no way in hell I would let Brelin drive to Portland by herself. That would be the worst sister move in the world.

So to sum up this anecdote, I think I'm with everyone when I declare that listening to Kool and the Gang's "Celebration" for 4 hours in a row is far better than any ONE Rascal Flatts song.

I'm back.

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