...what's great about getting fired is, nothing.
nope, nothing really.
-- you walk into the room and immediately know. it's like something has died. (oh wait, it's your financial stability). and then, the person who's firing you just says blahblahblahRESIGNATIONblahblahblahJUSTKEEPITFORYOURRECORDSblahblahblahQUALITYOFPERFORMANCEblahblahblahEFFECTIVEIMMEDIATELY.
-- and then this chill comes over you. it's as if someone has decided to shake your hand with an electric fence. and leave you there like the fish out of water flopping around in that mid-90s alt-rock video (the artist escapes me).
and then, all i wanted to do was throw my chair through the window. unfortunately, it was wicker so it probably would've just bounced off the window. unfortunate.
i didn't cry, i just looked down and said, "ok then." then i bolted. then i called mom and cried.
mistakes were made on my part (we'll call them 'personality clashes') and i wish them the best. (that's the politically correct thing to say, right?)
at least they waited until two days AFTER my birthday to fire me. so that's something.
p.s. no need for a pity party. just another job.
1 comment:
oh, sarah. no pity. just a party? (and job wishes) I can't believe you clash with anybody--
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