Wednesday, July 15, 2009

i have no specific stories of note, but rather some musings and questions that have arisen in my life lately:

i stood at the copier, copying purchase orders for a project...there were at least 50. it took 7 HOURS. this is further evidence that i need to get the heck out of here.

stevie nicks rocks. my friend griffin says she sounds alarmingly like an malaysian pop singer, but she is great. i heard her song with don henley "leather and lace" on the radio randomly and got pissed every time don henley came on.

related to the musing above: i'm pretty sure that anything don henley released after the eagles should be banned. that, and ANYTHING BY ROD STEWART. i immediately break out in profanity only saved for dick cheney.

it doesn't matter for how long or how little you stay in a subway: you will smell like bread for the rest of the day. i would rather be honey oat than parmesan oregano. what would you be?

i've decided that i can't live in the south any longer than possible. it's not them (you) it's me.

i've discovered through yoga that i have extremely loose joints. this means my balance sucks and i can hyperextend just about everything all the time. awesome.

i'm jazzed to go visit joy in baltimore august 7th. woo!!!!

i'm tired of people saying sonya sotomayor is biased. reading the live blog of all the hearings, she is clearly not and she seems to be boring some. even lindsay graham said she would have to have a "complete meltdown" in order to not get confirmed, and this coming from a guy who defended Gov. Mark Sanford. come on. maureen dowd's column on this today was excellent, especially the part about the "GOPs shame spiral." love it. and the title "White Man's Last Stand" is just smart.

because of my job, it is becoming more clear that i am as updated on current events as ever. hours in front of a computer and the times online will do that for you.

this state is also making me more i guess that's a silver lining.

i would go get my MPA at university of oregon just for their website. it's so pretty. i will put a little more thought into it, i guess.


Mara said...

After working at subway I can say that I know exactly what you mean. I think everything (especially my hair) smells like white subway bread. I hate it, but I love the bread/subway, so I endure.

Also, the more liberal you get the more I love you.

nancy said...

I wanted to reach into the tv and strangle Lindsay Graham's smooth neck. He looks like he hasn't worked a day in his life.