Wednesday, April 15, 2009

i know, i know

at this point y'all probably think that i'm never going to write on my blog again. well, YOU were wrong.
i don't have internet at my apartment yet (i literally just have one twin bed that looks very camp lutherhaven-style)...and that's it. i still don't know if i want to get a tv, mostly because i think i can live without it. and it's another thing to buy and THEN keep paying for.
the more exciting news is that i'm going to start tutoring again! ever since i stopped working at WSU, i've really been missing the whole idea of doing something GOOD for people. after working for a company like Fluor for two months, i don't think i'm really cut out to be an executive. i can't see how they truly believe they're doing any good for people. there's really no tangible evidence of goodness by making productivity betterment initiatives and writing nonconformance reports. i'm not saying these are not bad people, and maybe those executives are more sophisticated than me: they can come up with some abstract reason why they really are making a difference. they don't have to see it, they just know.
well, i don't. i have to be able to not only see the lightbulb going off, i have to be talking people, teaching people. doing something. i know that when it's all said and done i'm going to be a teacher. i just don't know quite how i'm going to get there. but, really, i don't usually do things in the most direct way. much like my writing, sometimes my life goes around and around the fence and only SOMETIMES finds the gate.
so, i finally got my patootie in gear and called the Greenville Literacy Association. i went yesterday and observed a pre-GED social studies group. i'll be in training for 8 hours over the next two weeks and then i'll be teaching Adult Basic Ed/ pre-GED courses! at this point i think i want to do writing, reading, or social studies. but, if they need me to rock the fractions class, i will.
the need here is great too. south carolina has the highest high school drop out rate, which makes me upset because the damn governor won't take the stimulus money to maybe even attempt to give any money for a good cause (google him, it's ridiculous). so yeah, i'm feeling good about that. filling up my time with a lot of stuff. still adjusting to everything here (yikes) and look forward to making new friends.
mostly though, i like the students at Greenville Literacy. they're democrats. they get it.


Mara said...

it's SO important to have a purpose! i wouldn't do as well at my job if i couldn't see the direct (sometimes instant) good coming from it.
i'm glad you found some people to help and be helped by- just being around people a little more like you can be comforting... I think you will do great work with these kids.
keep fightin' the good fight! (or something...)
peace :)

alyssa said...

oh yay for volunteering! and don't get a tv. when i get out of this hellhole i'm not having a tv and i'm not getting cable because comcast is a bitch. besides, you use those hours in front of the tv and tutor some important people.