Friday, February 6, 2009

it's exciting!!!

i put three exclamation marks in the title because i know the only people who read my blog are people who abhor exclamation marks. rule number one of rhetoric-- understand your auidence. (thanks college!)
things i've learned/had to do this week that i never would've expected:
-seneca, SC and clemson, SC are not big. at all. i should've realized this when i found out i was actually working on the site of a nuclear power plant. EXCITING. i drove 35 minutes to get to a target, and i couldn't understand a family in the store. mind you, i used to work with international students.
-i have a kind of cute engineer-y guy in my office. he is awkward and skinny. he also drives a jeep. i currently drive a jeep. i think that makes us perfect for each other.
-4 mini famous amos cookies make one serving. i'm pissed about it.
-thanks to alyssa, i bought fiber 1 bars. i bought the oats and apple one, and it tastes like store-bought apple pie. i approve wholeheartedly.
-i had training for 4 days and had to read procedures about abrasive blasting. i also had to read 39 other procedures about high energy line breaks, document control, and lanyards. yes, a whole procedure about lanyards. EXCITING.
- i did though finally get to do my real job for about an hour today because i was able to get a computer and poke around the website. i'm writing the book telling fluor how to use the project management website. i think it's important. i also think it's EXCITING.
-everyone and there dog smokes here.
-i only killed the jeep i'm borrowing from my uncle four times since i've been here.
-i do yoga from an online video every day for an hour. it's EXCITING. my instructors name is Sarah.
-i also bought a pair of bona-fide yoga pants. i now understand why women on what not to wear only have yoga pants and don't think it's a problem. go for it ladies, the pants are phenomenal.
-if i ever do something EXCITING you all will be the first to know. i promise.
-i am also getting my first paycheck sometime this week. direct deposit, baby. and that, my friends, is truly EXCITING.
...but the yoga pants still win.


nancy said...

i just told the kids today, resist the urge to use exclamation marks. and never use more than one. way to go.

alyssa said...

i've scheduled yoga for 5 days a week. but not hour long sessions, because i don't have that kind of time right now.

i knew what you were talking about when you mentioned fluor. we are the offspring of engineers.

alyssa said...

oh yeah, fiber one bars are amazing. maybe even exciting. no?

Weakley said...

i know how to talk to engineers, officially. and, fiber one bars are exciting. so very very exciting.

brelin rismiller said...

my sister, the english major, used the wrong "their" in her blog. regardless of how much you hate !!!!, i'm in. love you.