Monday, May 12, 2008


i am 21, so i've now decided i don't really like bars. they're pretty skeezy, mostly smell bad (especially in idaho where you can still smoke in them), and expensive.
also, there are creeps in bars. it's like, "let's put all of the socially awkward people in a room with loud music and alcohol." contextually it's a disaster from the start. and then, people buy me drinks and i make mistakes. it's a sad commentary that i can't go into a bar by myself for fear that i'll be creeped out, so i'd much rather go to a restaurant and order a glass of wine.
which is exactly what andy and i did yesterday in order to placate the alcohol withdrawal i am still currently experiencing. the worst part about the restaurant we went to, though, was that the waiter creeped me out.

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